Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Too Hot To Trot

Hey there, greetings from Jakarta! At least, that's how it feels here today. Living in the Pacific NW usually guarantees a pretty moderate climate. But last winter we had snow, ice and record low temps. Now we're getting the opposite for summer. It's getting close to 100 this week, and we Seattlites are ill prepared to meet that challenge. Air conditioning in homes is rare here, we usually just don't need it (just like snow plows!). Home swimming pools are also not the norm. Heck, it's cold and rainy here, right? Well, this week we're way up in the 90's, and it is quite a challenge. Makes me realize that I just would never really want to make my home at a latitude of anywhere below 35 degrees or so. Heat is problematic, because it's tough to escape it, without going deeply into debt. Cold, on the other hand, is much easier to beat. A big warm coat and sweater, a hot toddy, someone to cuddle with, and you're pretty much good to go. If you're outside, build a fire! Simplistic thinking, I know, but when was the last time a cold night made you just want to melt into a puddle? Cold is invigorating, heat is dilapidating. That's my final word on it. (BTW, I'm half Norwegian - that will explain this particular rant.)

1 comment:

Michelle Ferguson said...

I agree and I am more than ready to leave the Cambodian humidity (which lately has been surprisingly kind) for Fall in Seattle! Josh and I are both purchasing brand new waterproof jackets when we get home to celebrate :)